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API Reference v0.1.35

A metapage manages piping metaframe outputs to metaframe inputs.

Ways to initialize a metapage:

  1. Create a metapage from a MetapageDefinition JSON object:
      const metapage = Metapage.from(def :MetapageDefinition, ?opts :Options): Metapage
  2. Create an empty metapage via the constructor. Metaframes and pipes are added manually. This is mostly used for testing or debugging:
      const metapage = new Metapage(?opts :Options): Metapage

The optional opts argument defineds some extra options, mostly used for debugging:

interface Options {
  color?: String;  // Color of console.logs, since all iframes and the main page will output logs to the same console
  id?   : String;  //Id, not required, but useful if you have multiple metapages in a single website.


The JSON description consists of metaframes and the metaframe inputs.

Example minimal metapage with two metaframes:

graph LR metaframe1 -- "output1 -> input1" --> metaframe2 metaframe2 -- "data-stream" --> metaframe1

Defined by:

    "version": "0.1.0",
    "iframes": {
      "metaframe1": {
        "url": "",
        "inputs": [
            "metaframe": "metaframe2",
            "source"   : "output1",
            "target"   : "input1"
      "metaframe2": {
        "url": "",
        "inputs": [
            "metaframe": "metaframe1",
            "source"   : "data-stream"

The target key of the inputs array element can be omitted if the value is the same as the source value.


metapage.addMetaframe(url :String, ?iframeId :String): MetaframeClient

url: URL to a metaframe website

iframeId: optional

Add a new metaframe using the URL. Optionally provide a (locally unique to the metapage) id. If an id is not provided, one will be generated.


metapage.addPipe(targetMetaframe :String, pipeInput :PipeInput)

targetMetaframe: metaframeId of the target metaframe

pipeInput: object describing the source metaframe, output pipe name, and input pipe name

  "metaframe": "<sourceMetaframeId>",
  "source": "<sourceMetaframePipeName>",
  "target": "<thisMetaframePipeName>",

pipeInput.metaframe: source metaframeId

pipeInput.source: source metaframe output pipe name. Can be * or any glob, this will forward all output pipes matching the glob target metaframe input pipe name. If target is omitted, then the input pipe name will be the same as the output pipe name.

Add a new metaframe input pipe, from the source metaframes output source, to the target metaframes target input.

graph LR metaframeSource[pipeInput.metaframe] -- "pipeInput.source ->" --> targetMetaframe



Removes all metaframes, window listeners, event listeners.


metapage.get(metaframeId :String): MetaframeClient

Get the MetaframeClient for the given id.


metapage.iframes(): Map<String, IFrameElement>

Returns a plain Object with metaframe ids mapped to the underlying metaframe iframes.


metapage.metaframeIds(): Array<String>

Returns an array of metaframe ids.


metapage.metaframes(): Map<String, MetaframeClient>

Returns a plain Object with metaframe ids mapped to MetaframeClient objects.



Removes all metaframes, essentially resetting the metapage. It doesn’t remove window listeners though, for proper disposal call dispose().


metapage.setInput(metaframeId :String, inputPipeId :String, value :any)

Set the pipe input value for the given metaframe. It will get sent to the underlying iframe and metaframe object there.

Metapage events

Metapage event allows you to add hooks to the data flow:

 * Example update:
 * {
 *   "metaframe1": {
 *     "input1": "foobar",
 *     "input2": 3
 *   }
 * }
metapage.on('inputs', function(update) {


Listens to changes in the inputs for metaframes. The listener is called on every discrete input update.

 * Example update:
 * {
 *   "metaframe1": {
 *     "output1": "foobar",
 *     "output2": 3
 *   }
 * }
metapage.on('outputs', function(update) {


Listens to changes in the outputs for metaframes. The listener is called on every discrete output update.


An internal object managing the data flow in and out of the actual metaframe iframe. You shouldn’t need to access this object directly.


The concrete metaframe iframe HTML element.